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Welcome to the Anytown Flying Club website

Upcoming Events

Quarterly Fly-In

Join us at the airport for BBQ at the FBO.  

Hangar 5 on Friday

One of our members, Joey 'Al' Timiter, is chairing the building of an RV-7 kit aircraft to add to our fleet.  Join in the project ...

Monthly Membership Meeting

Come join us to participate in our meeting.  We will have a special guest speaker, from ATC, available for questions afterwards.

Recent News

New Member - Jenny Alonzo

Welcome our newest member, Jenny Alonzo. Jenny recently moved to the area, and flies a Cirrus SR-22. Come meet her at our next meeting!

Jack earns Tailwheel Endorsement

Look at that goofy grin! Jack was hesitant to get into the 1947 Cub with the CFI. At 6'2", it was a tight fit, but he grew to love the Piper during training.

2020 UFVA Conference

The 74th Conference was held online from July 27 to July 30, 2020.

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