Indiana Psychological Association News

PsychByte: IPA Communications Committee Working to Bring Awareness to Mental Health Matters


IPA Communications Committee Working to Bring Awareness to Mental Health Matters
Newly appointed Communications Committee Chair, Dr. Aarika White, will be working closely with Public Education Coordinator, Dr. Natalie Dattilo, to bring awareness to the public about mental health issues in our state. The committee members chose the theme of “stigma reduction” to help promote a consistent message to the media and public interest. Our weekly online publication, PsychBytes, will continue to highlight current information relevant to psychologists, and will also provide an accessible and reliable resource for consumers.
If you would like to become a member of our public relations team, or would be interested in speaking to the media about effective treatments for mental health, please contact Natalie Dattilo at   
To learn more, visit:

"PsychBytes” is a weekly educational resource from the Indiana Psychological Association (IPA) provided for psychologists, their colleagues and their patients.