Indiana Psychological Association News

PsychByte: What are PsychBytes?


What are PsychBytes?
PsychBytes are IPA’s weekly online publication, intended to inform (in brief, bite-size amounts) Indiana psychologists and the general public about current events in the field, new and exciting research findings, evidence-based practice updates, and links to reliable resources (websites, apps, articles, blogs, etc.). Our mission is to deliver timely and accurate information using social media and email to communicate to anyone wanting to stay informed about issues affecting psychology practice in the modern age. Our communications team is also available to speak on issues relevant to the local community and on a variety of health and wellness topics. Our goal is to inform, educate, and support.
If you are interested in joining our team of contributors, or have an online resource you’d like to review, please contact Dr. Maura Rouse at
To learn more, visit:
"PsychBytes” is a weekly educational resource from the Indiana Psychological Association (IPA) provided for psychologists, their colleagues and their patients.